Wczoraj w Armenii, tak samo jak w ponad 60 krajach świata, świętowaliśmy Międzynarodowy Dzień Studenta. 17 listopada jest obchodzony od 1941 roku, ku pamięci krwawo stłumionego protestu studentów z Pragi przeciwko inwazji Nazistów w 1939 roku. Charakter tego święta przez lata ewoluował i obecnie jest ono pochwałą życia studenckiego, jako jednego z najpiękniejszych okresów młodości.
W Armenii, co roku organizowany jest wielki koncert, na który zjeżdżają się studenci z całego kraju. W jego przygotowaniach biorą udział państwowe organizacje oraz Rady Samorządów Studenckich.
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Flaga Armenii na tle tłumu studentów (fot. Sevak Grigoryan) |
W tym roku, fundatorami i głównymi organizatorami byli Fundacja Młodych w Armenii, Administracja Okręgu Lori oraz Partia Republikańska. Studentom zapewniono dojazd oraz bilety na koncert, który odbywał się w przeogromnej auli widowiskowej Marzahamergayin Hamalir w Erywaniu.
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Organizatorzy (fot. Sevak Grigoryan) |
Dla studentów wystąpili między innymi: Shushan Petrosyan, Mkrtich Mkrtchyan, Sevak Amroyan, Davit Amalyan, Leyla Saribekyan, Arsen Grigoryan, Arsen Grigoryan (Aso) i inni. Dodatkowo można było podziwiać występy grup tanecznych m.in. "Karin" oraz"Sasna Tsrer".
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(fot. Sevak Grigoryan) |
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Grupa taneczna "Karin" (fot. Sevak Grigoryan) |
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(fot. Sevak Grigoryan) |
Na sali zgromadziło się kilka tysięcy studentów z całego kraju. Ludzie tańczyli, śpiewali i świetnie się bawili.
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(fot. Sevak Grigoryan) |
Sala widowiskowa Marzahamergayin Hamalir |
Nie zabrakło również Vanadzorskiego Państwowego Uniwersytetu, który reprezentowało ponad 200 studentów.
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Studenci Uniwersytetu w Vanadzor (fot. Marine Shahnazaryan) |
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Z lewej Lusine Grigoryan - przedstawicielka Rady Samorządu Studentów Uniwersytetu w Vanadzor (fot. Marine Shahnazaryan) |
Марине и Генри - огромное спасибо вам за помощь в подготовке этой заметки и Лусине за приглашение . :)
Yesterday in Armenia, as well as in more than 60 countries around the world, we were celebrating the International Day of Students. November 17 has been celebrated since 1941, in memory of brutally repressed student protest against Nazi invasion in 1939 in Prague . The nature of this day has evolved over the years and now it is a kind of praise of student life, as one of the most beautiful periods of youth.
In Armenia, every year is held a concert, which attracts students from all over the country. In its preparations take part state organizations and Student Government Councils of universities.
This year, the founders and main organizers were the Young Foundation in Armenia, Lori District Administration and the Republican Party. The concert took place in the huge auditorium Marzahamergayin Hamalir in Yerevan.
Among performers were: Shushan Petrosyan, Mkrtich Mkrtchyan, Sevak Amroyan, Davit Amalyan, Leyla Saribekyan, Arsen Grigoryan, Arsen Grigoryan (Aso) and others. In addition, we enjoyed performances of dance groups, among which were "Karin" and "Sasna Tsrer".
On the hall gathered together several thousand of students, people danced, sang and had a great time.
In this festival took part also the Vanadzor State University, which represented more than 200 students.
Yesterday in Armenia, as well as in more than 60 countries around the world, we were celebrating the International Day of Students. November 17 has been celebrated since 1941, in memory of brutally repressed student protest against Nazi invasion in 1939 in Prague . The nature of this day has evolved over the years and now it is a kind of praise of student life, as one of the most beautiful periods of youth.
In Armenia, every year is held a concert, which attracts students from all over the country. In its preparations take part state organizations and Student Government Councils of universities.
This year, the founders and main organizers were the Young Foundation in Armenia, Lori District Administration and the Republican Party. The concert took place in the huge auditorium Marzahamergayin Hamalir in Yerevan.
Among performers were: Shushan Petrosyan, Mkrtich Mkrtchyan, Sevak Amroyan, Davit Amalyan, Leyla Saribekyan, Arsen Grigoryan, Arsen Grigoryan (Aso) and others. In addition, we enjoyed performances of dance groups, among which were "Karin" and "Sasna Tsrer".
On the hall gathered together several thousand of students, people danced, sang and had a great time.
In this festival took part also the Vanadzor State University, which represented more than 200 students.
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